Tuesday, June 23, 2015


In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. John 1:4,5 NIV

The light of a single candle is small, barely noticeable in bright day. But when it’s the only light shining in total darkness, that single flame can be seen for a very great distance.  

Last Wednesday a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a prisoner of the prince of darkness, stepped into a church in Charleston, South Carolina, and blew away nine Christians. The darkness had tried again to overcome the light—but that light was kindled from the Light of the World, Jesus, who said, “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”

The light shining from Charleston this week is made up of many single lights: joy in the face and voice of the 18-year-old son of one victim; acceptance in the voice of forgiveness from another survivor; brotherhood in the unity of tears, hugs and prayers to Him who is Father of all His children.

A great congregation of lights shining into the darkness of Ferguson and Baltimore and their sequelae. Into the darkness of Hollywood and Washington, DC. Into the darkness of the moral breakdown of a country, a world.  Into the darkness of political correctness and race pimping and Jihadic terrorism. Into the darkness of the judging of men, created by God, on the basis of the variety He treasures.   

A tragedy? When the very weapon Satan has raised here has not torn people apart but has brought them together to shine as one? Precious to the LORD is the death of His saints. And, from battle scars to victory to homecoming, precious is that death to their brothers and sisters in Christ.

Avi, we pray for the survivors and rejoice with them that their loved ones are there in Your Presence waiting for us, aching to share all that we cannot yet imagine. We pray also for Dylann Roof, who was blinded by his captor. Please open his eyes and give him understanding, Avi. Give him wisdom that he might see and choose Your light. In Your holy name, Amen.  


Tuesday, June 16, 2015


…but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25 NIV

Earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, wars and rumors of war, famine, people doing unspeakable things to each other. The earth is groaning for its redemption.

Closer to home, it’s politics and poor policies and greedy politicians, rather than statesmen, “leading” us.

Closer than that, unemployment, inflation, relationships gone sour, persecution in varying degrees.

Things are falling apart, and Heaven never sounded so good.

I’m not saying we should hide our heads in the sand like ostriches and not try to make things better. Ostriches are silly fools, not role models for us. But the world thinks we are hiding our heads in the sands of denial, peeking up once in a while at some pie in the sky.

Jesus said, “Fear not. Don’t worry. You have to get through this world, but I’ll be with you. And you can’t imagine the amazing place that I’m making for you. I’ll be back soon to take you Home.”
That “soon”, by the way, doesn’t mean before long—you know it’s been a long time—but that when it happens, it will be sudden.

Got to get back to being about my Father’s business. But first I’m brewing a cup of tea, pulling up a rocking chair and having a big slice of my pie in the sky. Care to join me? I’ve got two cups and two rocking chairs.

Avi, this broken world is a lovely place—but it rubs blisters on me, body, soul and spirit. I can’t help trying to imagine what Heaven will be like. A Home made for me, one that will fit like custom-made, kidskin shoes. Thank You for Your own words of encouragement to me. In Your holy name, Amen.

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.   I Corinthians 13:12

Paul was criticized for writing good stuff, then failing to live up to expectations in his appearance and manner of speech.

I know what that feels like.  

When I have time to reflect and organize my thoughts, I do pretty well with writing them down. Speaking, not so much.

Is anything as frustrating as thinking of the perfect comeback two minutes after the other person moves on? 

You know the Mercy Me song, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE? Yeah, let’s imagine. I think it will be better than Eden, in that we will appreciate what we have. We have experiential knowledge Adam and Eve didn’t have while they lived in Eden. In that sense, at least, Heaven will be better.

Will there be animals in Heaven? Seems likely, since God made us to enjoy them so much. And if so, will they be some of the same individual animals we have here? Seems only fair, since so many of them suffer so much here.

What will trees be like? What will colors be like? What will food be like?

And what will the heavenly city, the new Jerusalem, be like? That’s hard for me, being a country girl.

In his book , HEAVEN, Randy Alcorn used a character from one of his novels as an illustration. Paraphrased: When she’d been in Heaven a little while, Jesus took her alone to a special place. She said, “Oh, how beautiful! Why has no one shown me this place?
“No one else has seen it.” 
“No one else has seen it. I made it especially for you. This is your private place.”

Oh, wow, that got my brain going. I can’t imagine not needing times of solitude with God. So, I want a city place and a country place. And I want a hot water waterfall.

It’s fun to daydream, even though Scripture says Heaven is beyond our imaginations—but there’s one thing certain that I’m really looking forward to. 

Can you imagine never being misunderstood?

Avi, You are the God who knows me. It’s fun to think about Home, but I want to lean on Your imagination. I don’t want to miss out on anything. In Your holy name, Amen.



Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Into Your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O LORD, the God of truth. Psalm 31:5 NIV

Jesus prayed this prayer at the moment of His death. No other place is so safe. No other hands are so sure, so strong, so determined, so loving and gentle. No other hands are so faithful. No other hands are able to protect us against any last minute attack Satan might attempt as we cross that final valley.  

But David prayed it as he raced through the difficulties of life on the lam. Daily temptations, daily choices, daily pitfalls. He couldn’t handle these through human strength and willpower, and neither can we.

It’s important to lean on God as our lives wind to a close; it’s just as urgent, if not more so, to commit our spirits to Him for the long haul. Only He can hold us to the path and keep us from falling for Satan’s lies. Only He can give us strength and wisdom for fulfilling the assignments He’s given to each of us.

Precious to the Lord is the death of His saints. And precious to Him are our lives.

I lift my spirit to You for finishing the good work You’ve begun in me, Avi. In a world without absolutes, where truth is relative or irrelevant, hold me to Your absolute, relevant Truth—the Way that leads to Life. In Your holy name, Amen.