Sunday, June 21, 2020


Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts crying, “Abba! Father!” Galatians 4:6 NASB

Listening to an old Rusty Goodman song, “Who Am I?” * Two questions in there. Who? And why? Who am I to deserve what my God did for me? Why would He go to the cross for me? The song reaches a conclusion: “The answer I may never know.”

The song is wrong.

The answers to both questions are so simple that even the youngest child knows them instinctively. The second question first. How could he ever love undeserving me so?  

How could He not love me? It isn’t about me; it’s about Him. He is love and love finds its only true substance in Him. He can’t not love. He cannot be untrue to Himself. (II Timothy 2:13)    

The harder question is, “Why me?” Again, the answer slaps me upside the face. I’m His kid.

I can hear my argumentative nephew now: “Well, tell me this then. When He died, you hadn’t even been thought of. Your great, great, great grandpappy hadn’t even been born. And after you were born, you weren’t His yet because you hadn’t accepted Him…”

But I had been thought of. I was already known. He knows my heart, all the way through. He made that heart, especially and on purpose, and with a custom-made purpose. He gave it to me, taught me to feel and know it. He knew me before He made me, and He knew how much I’d want and need a Father. He knew that in this world I wouldn’t find father or mother or friend able to satisfy my deepest need. Way before I had any name for that hunger, I longed for Him—and He’s always been looking for me, lost lamb, lost child. I’ve always been his child. Now I’m his forever child all the way through—and He knew all that before He even made me.

Yes, the answer is too simple for the wise. But the understanding? That will take all of eternity--even for the simple.

Avi, it’s so good to be known by You, and to know that in Heaven no one will ever again feel misunderstood. No one will ever again feel invisible and written off. I’m looking forward to learning who my brothers and sisters really are, to see their hearts. But most of all, I look forward to spending eternity making new discoveries about You. I can hardly wait to start. Show me more of You here.

In Your Holy Name, Amen.

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