Tuesday, August 12, 2014



Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. I Corinthians 13:12 NIV

Sitting here trying to write my bio in 1200 characters or less. How do I cram 71 years into so little space? I’m a nice, ordinary person. Ordinary, but there are some pretty interesting parts here and there. How do I cram in just one little interesting incident?

Aha! I have it. Ordinary person extraordinaire. God didn’t make but one of me.

Done, and nearly 1200 characters left.

But you, dear reader, still don’t know me.

OK. I’m a country girl who could never feel at home without elbow room, fresh air and trees and gardens and animals, good neighbors and family nearby, stories to tell, books to read, and lots of solitude. (And no, that doesn’t always balance out.)

My ancestors hailed from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. I’m a Southerner born and bred, and adopted by the King of Parables—so it’s no surprise that I love stories, both written and oral. I’ve told myself stories for as long as I can remember.

1200 characters, 12 million words, 1200 days, 1200 years. No matter how many pens I wear out, no matter how long we have together here, you will never know me, nor I you, this side of Heaven.

But on that day, when we know as we are known, I will see in you the treasure I have only glimpsed now.

And what will you see when you look at me?

Father, You promised to complete the work You began in me. Please, let all who look at me see You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.










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