Be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. II Timothy 4:2 NIV
This morning in the
doctor’s waiting room, a tired looking lady watched me as I transcribed notes
from my tape recorder. I don’t remember how the
conversation started or took the direction it did, but after it had started I put my pen down and told her
what I was doing—writing—and about the place I write.
I would've been pleased
with a prefab yard building, any place out of the wind and rain where I could
focus without distractions, but God is generous in supplying what we need in order to do
what He calls us to do. He gave me a real cottage, so much more that I would’ve
been willing to settle for, for a fraction of what it should've cost.
She nodded at this—but
when I asked, “Do you go to church anywhere?” her expression hardened.
“No,” she said. She looked
away, then back again. “I can have a relationship with God without going to a
church full of hypocrites.”
I nodded not in agreement
but in understanding. I had no words for her. I can’t answer such a personal objection unless I have time to listen
to her and find out where her pain is, assuming she’s even willing to share.
Later I wished I’d
remembered to tell her about the three great humiliations of Christ: 1) taking
on one of our broken bodies; 2) being mocked and rejected and dying in a
humiliating manner in our place; then 3)
going back to Heaven and leaving His reputation to us.
kind of God would do this? It’s hard enough to fathom a love that would come
for us, die for us—but a love that would place His own good Name in the hands of
bumbling, unfinished people? How unworldly of Him!
how unworldly. How heavenly.
I cannot always be prepared. My mind is too small, too distracted, too slow to
change gears out of season. Teach me to listen for Your words even in the storm, and speak through me when You will. In Your holy Name, Amen.
Ouch..."going back to Heaven and leaving His reputation to us." That stings a bit. Definitely writing that down where I can mull it over.