Tuesday, January 26, 2016


My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.                                   Psalm 25:15 NIV

Do you ever have trouble recognizing the answer to prayer? Do you jump at every possibility, only to realize that wasn’t it? You’ve run ahead of God, straight into disappointment. Or, do you hold back, sure this can’t possibly be what you’ve waited so eagerly for?   

I prayed many years for the man God had for me. Then a single guy from church came over to pick blueberries. “I’m allergic to dogs,” he said when Mollie greeted him.  As we settled at my bushes, he asked, “Would you like to spend some time getting to know each other better?”

“Why?” I thought. “God isn’t going to give me to someone who’d make me give up my dogs, is He? But, what if He’s trying to answer my prayer here, and I shut the door in His face?”

“Okay,” I said.

We’ve had twelve good years of marriage together, and he’s still a keeper.

I have a decision to make in a short time. For years I’ve struggled with distractions and discouragement, trying to find time and energy for my novel, both to write and to learn all the collaterals of the craft. For years I’ve prayed for mentors: one for craft, one for techie stuff, one for marketing. Now a new writers’ guild is starting up, mentored by a team led by a highly successful writer with an excellent reputation. Everyone gets to be part of a writer family, but ground floor members get a cheaper price and extra attention for a little while.

Is this my answer?

It sure would take a lot of the pressure off in the craft and marketing realms.

My fear isn’t about the program itself. It’s about whether I’m going to get tangled up again in social media and computer stuff and not be able to get full value from the program.

Get out of the boat, girl. How else do you expect to walk on water?

Yeah, it’s all His problem. I’ll just keep on praying for a techie mentor while I write my books.

Avi, help me to keep my eyes on You. My hand in Yours, let me enjoy the feel of storm winds in my hair and cold water on my toes. In Your holy name, Amen.



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